Building a School on La Tortue, Haiti

In Tortuga Island, Haiti, the monthly salary for a teacher is just above $700 Haitian gourdes which equate to $25 a month USD. To pay teachers, school directors request that parents pay 1/3 of their child's annual tuition. This, unfortunately, results in fewer children attending school because parents cannot afford the fee required to cover tuition.

But finding qualified educators and teachers on the island is not an easy task. Training to become a teacher is hardly accessible. After graduating from high school, most young people find their way to the US for a better life for themselves and the families they leave behind.

Current Conditions For Schooling On La Tortue, Haiti

For children who can attend school, they face many challenges that greatly affect their academic success. On the island of Tortuga, for example, some school buildings also serve as churches, which are poorly built and have very little to no furniture. Classrooms are simply not up to educational specification to encourage learning when compared to American schools.

Most children on the island go to school hungry or without school supplies.

The Future

We are working towards providing these students and educators with the resources they need. In addition to providing supplies, books, learning materials and other basic requirements that can impact academic success, our plan is to build a school with more modern classrooms and technology.

Artist rendition for the new Elevate Them school in La Tortue, Haiti

Action With Purpose

We have already acquired the land on which the school will be built. Subject matter experts have already surveyed the land for construction.

Action With Purpose


Children on the island are motivated for a chance at a better future and schooling conditions. We embrace and appreciate all of our student volunteers.

Help Them Build This School

How You Can Help

Every donation brings us closer to transforming the lives of children in La Tortue, Haiti. We will relocating them from the unfinished church building to a dedicated school.


Help elevate the lives of those in need. Everyone deserves access to basic care and resources. Your donation will help obtain the tools and education needed to empower the youth for a brighter future.


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