The Story Of Odilia

In The Beginning

Before I met Odilia she had lived her entire life on Tortuga Island where life can be very challenging for some. At the time she was 36 years old and a mother of 5 children. They lived in very poor conditions and lacked food, clothes, and the means to go to and from school. They also lived without a proper roof over their heads. Without the right materials their home was poorly constructed. She had a massive tumor in her tongue that prevented her from eating, speaking, and performing her daily activities. It was Kenson Desinor, a great pastor and heart who took charge to help. He was able to raise enough money to pay for Odilia’s tumor removal surgery. 

Meeting Odilia

Odilia and I started communicating via WhatsApp right after she had surgery during the month of May in 2020. From our first phone conversation in June, my motherly instincts kicked in and I instantly felt a connection to her. Empathy and compassion took over me and I felt a strong need to help Odila improve her situation. I immediately discerned all of her needs and took action.

The Materials For A Better Future

Since then, she has been receiving help. Starting with school supplies for her kids, food and adequate clothing. Odilia is a great learner, and a woman of great faith. When we first spoke I told her she would be receiving items to sell so that she could care and provide for her children. She was living with the father of her children for years and I suggested for her to get married, she agreed and the wedding happened.

Odilia Now

Now Odilia is happily married and has come a long way from when we first met. She is under better circumstances, however, she is still in great need.

Graduation: Empowering The Lives Of Men & Women